Thursday, July 23, 2009

And in the red corner....

Anyone who has ever talked to me about my Roomba knows that I love it. LOVE. Even when it locked me out of my house, I didn't blame it. I still wanted it to clean my house for me. But after watching so many movies about robots taking over, I get nervous. Maybe the Roomba locking me out wasn't an accident...

Things that make me nervous about the Roomba: It knows where I live. It can, and has, lock me out of my house. It is very smart. It knows if it is going to fall off of something, and will stop and turn around. We tested this theory on the bed since we don't have stairs, and it definitely did not fall to its doom. That is crazy smart.

Things that remind me I'm smarter than the Roomba: I can turn it off (so far... if it hooks up to some master system, that may become impossible, but for now, I'm good). Sometimes it gets stuck on my area rug and won't get off because it is afraid it will fall... I hid a key to the house outside so now when I am locked out by the Roomba (or the screen door, which has no intelligence what so ever, but I can somehow get it to lock by slamming it...) I can get back into my house for free.

So, I'm still a big fan of the Roomba. I recommend it to anyone who will listen. And now that I know it can't fall down stairs, it is perfect for any household! But I am watching it. I will not let the Roomba win...

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