Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I buckled down today and sewed all of my jack-o-lantern blocks together. I am teaching this quilt as a class in October. I still have to make the candy corn border on it but I'm pretty proud that I got this much done! I am almost done with my kuspuk. I just have the hand sewing left to do. I'm getting ready to take Frito on his afternoon dog walk then I think I will sit on the porch and finish it up. How exciting! I have been pretty productive lately, which is good since I have to go back to school in 8 days. :( But on the plus side I will have real money to spend at the quilt shop soon, which is very exciting!


Anonymous said...

that's super cute and thumbs up for getting stuff done!

Leah said...

That quilt is looking great so far! And I can't wait to see the finished kuspuk! Hope the weird weather didn't do in your plans to sit outside...