Sunday, August 10, 2008

Random thoughts

1. Why is McDonald's sponsoring the Olympics? Really? Am I supposed to believe that if I eat McDonald's I too can make it to the Olympics for an athletic sport? I don't think that Michael Phelps makes a habit of stopping by McDonald's on the way to the pool...
2. There is a new commercial out for JCP (I think) that is a mock of the Breakfast Club. Pretty funny. Except the target audience (teenagers) probably won't understand the commercial because they haven't seen the movie. A hit and a miss JCP. Really should have thought that through.
3. I found a blog last night called Knitosaurus (oh yeah, a link!) and I'm TOTALLY jealous that I did not think of that name first. I add -osaurus to everything. Laz-o-saurus-rex, Pudge-o-saurus, etc. Mostly when referring to my crazy half dinosaur dog.
Off to bed. I have a big day tomorrow. BOM starts and then I get to go back to work. Oh yeah. Every American's dream....


Kelsey said...

I so had the exact same thought regarding the whole McDonald's thing.

Lisa said...

I told Judd the exact same thing about the JCP commercial. Weird.

And I totally agree about the McDonald's ads. Um pretty sure the only gold you're gonna win by eating that is in Sumo Wrestling

alligator said...

Alli from Knitosaurus here. Thank you for the compliment (and the link!). It took me almost a month to come up with that name, I think my bf was the one who finally struck gold on it. :) I love dinosaurs!