So for those of you who don't know, I LOVE Alaska. That might be an understatement. I can not imagine living anywhere else. And I have lived other places. My dad was in the Navy, so I moved around a lot until I was in 4th grade. Then last year Weston and I spent a short time in Spokane, WA. It was then that I knew I had to live here forever. I'm so glad Weston and I decided to get married in AK because no where else means as much to us. ANYWAY, I digress. I learned on the news this morning that yesterday (50 years ago) was the day that congress voted that we could join the union. Then on July 7, 1958 President Eisenhower signed the bill making us a state. And then we OFFICIALLY became a state on Jan (something, I forgot this part....a lot of dates to keep track of) 1959. How EXCITING! So don't forget to celebrate Alaska. It is awesome.
It is 6:30 and I have been up for 30 mins, much to Weston's dismay. I wake up really early because I am hungry and I typically eat and go back to sleep. Today I decided to bug Weston with my random facts about the state. I don't think he appreciated it. I asked him if he was going to get up and his reply was, "When my alarm goes off." I then told him that I was sorry I was bothering him, to which there was no reply. Normally he says that's ok when I say things like that...guess he was tired.
On a positive note, he did say that he was proud of me for finishing so many of my knitting projects that I have started. I told him it was because I wanted to put them up on Ravelry and the site makes it really easy to keep track of what I am doing. I also told him that I need his help to design a similar site for quilting. He then informed me that he thought Ravlery was for any craft....oh silly boys. I then had to tell him that it is a "knit and crochet community".
One other random Alaska fact. A lot of our law makers have been investigated and convicted of different ethical violations. Not something we are very proud of. Vic Kohering was recently convicted and is getting ready to serve his 3 year prison sentence in California. He decided to stand on the side of the highway yesterday and wave to Alaskans to "thank them" for his time here. Really? And then he told the news that he enjoyed representing Alaska and he hopes to represent them again. REALLY? Who is going to vote for someone who was convicted of bribery? I don't understand people. I am also confused about the judicial process. Granted, what little knowledge I have is from Law and Order, but I thought once you were sentenced you went to jail. No time to hang out, straight there. Kohering was sentenced a while ago, but has been given time to "get his affairs in order". This sounds like special treatment. But who knows, maybe everyone is allowed to do this.
Yea Alaska! 50 years in the 49th state!