Saturday, April 18, 2009

Motivation, where did you go?

I woke up a bit early this morning (7am!) for a few reasons. 1. W texted me to let me know he was leaving Seattle and heading to Nevada for a weekend of rock climbing. I was happy that he was able to make his flights, as he was flying standby and I know he would have been disappointed if he had to spend the weekend in Seattle. and 2. Snickers decided to jump on the bed and make it well known that he was ready to get up. So I got up, and got a LOT done! I made two batches of cinnamon-sugar pecans for my parents, washed my sheets, and roombaed my room. I was also able to eat breakfast, and be ready for quilt class on time! Amazing.

Now I'm back home and don't feel like doing ANYTHING. Lame. I was hoping to feel super motivated and get a ton of stuff done. Maybe I will eat lunch and that will fix it....

(For pictures of my quilt block, follow me on Twitter...I'm much better at posting pics there because I can do it from my phone.)

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