Monday, April 16, 2012

Title Goes Here

On Pins and Needles

It's finished. Whew. I only had to stuff them and sew the last seams... why this took me so long, who knows. I'm terrible at finishing things. Sawyer thinks the point of the train set is to throw everything off of the quilt as quickly as possible. Oh well! I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I still have about a million other sewing projects to do... and maybe I will get around to those, but this one was something that had a definite time limit. Sawyer won't want to play with this when he is 15. So, it had to get done. 

Oh, What a Tangled Web
And now, my weaving section! I warped my loom on Saturday and starting weaving a scarf. It should be really pretty.  The warp is a gorgeous jewel-toned handspun and the weft is a plain white yarn that makes the handspun really pop. I think it will be a fun scarf when it is finished.  And here is a picture of the scarf I wove in my class... 

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it, but Weston and I have a brand-spanking new custom grill.  One of the contractors that Weston works with built it for us, and it is amazing. We had a big BBQ yesterday and the food was wonderful.  I can't wait for all the snow to melt so we can move it to the back yard and start using it more often. 

Also, we bought some ranch flavored kettle chips at costco for the BBQ and they are rocking my world. They were a huge hit (the bag is almost gone) and I highly recommend them. I'm a chip lover, and these will probably become a staple...

Alright, off to go do some knitting while Sawyer is asleep. I have a busy week! Tonight I have Italian cooking class, Wednesday I have spinning class, and Thursday I teach! Weston has class on Tuesday, so Friday is the next day we will actually be home together.... whew!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

All three pictures in this post are awesome!! Also very jealous of the grill!! Super cool!