Monday, November 21, 2011

Ups and Downs

Sawyer has been doing ok at night. Naps are a whole other story... typical of him. But, I don't really want to talk about sleep.... I feel like all I do is talk about sleep. I once joked with Weston that we would have nothing to talk about if Sawyer started sleeping.

Here are some more positive things going on:

*It is 0F outside. Much better than the -8 it has been lately. I would prefer it to be 15 and snowing, but I will take what I can get.

*My wintertime shower curtain has finally gotten hung up. Halloween decorations are packed away

*We cleaned out the kitchen last night. We got rid of things we don't use or eat, so now we have a workable kitchen not filled with junk.

*We bought Sawyer a long underwear suit at REI yesterday to wear to bed. It is adorable on him, and now I feel like he is warm enough at night.

Alright, Sawyer is up from his nap. Off to go play with my little baby.

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