Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Night

So it is my sister-in-law's birthday and we are having a BBQ/party. If you know anything about my in-laws you know that the party is out of control. And because I didn't feel awesome last night, I have decided to omit drinking. And I am severely regretting that decision. There is no one here I know. (Not totally true, but no one I want to hang out with) So I am upstairs in my room wishing I was in my own house. Another reason the party is REALLY annoying to me is everyone keeps messing up the recycling. It is like people see a trash can full of glass and think, "This must be where they toss hamburger leftovers" NO. Ugh. Very annoying. I think I might pop in a movie and work on my knitting. I'm so anti-social. I believe Jerry Seinfeld said it best when he told the Pool Boy that "I already have three friends. That is enough." Oh, Seinfeld. Maybe I will watch that...

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