Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Birthday Gifts

So I went by my friend Leah's house on Friday to hang out and get my birthday present that she has been trying to give me for a week now. I was pretty excited to get it because Leah is pretty creative and always gives awesome presents. Anyway, she made me a cute totebag and put a book called "Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts" inside. EXCITING! She has had the book for a while and I looked through it once and thought it had a lot of neat ideas, but never got around to actually buying it. I was looking through the book and decided to try and make my favorite thing out of it, a small elephant toy. I went to JoAnns and bought all of the supplies (I figured I would try it with cheap fabric before I used my expensive quilt fabric on something that might be a disaster) and cut out the templates. That was about 4 days ago now. I haven't moved forward anymore. I'm lazy. I really want to make the elephant, but I hate cutting out fabric. Especially from templates. It is a pain. So I will keep you updated on Operation: Elephant. Who knows when it will be done. I will post pictures of the fabric when I get around to it. It is pretty crazy. It might give a baby ADD.

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