Sunday, April 6, 2008

Operation: Elephant

Failed until further notice. I spent quite a while last night trying to figure out this elephant. I was very upset when I wasn't able to finish it and it put me into a funk. I didn't understand the second step in the "Assemble Body" section. I followed the directions, but couldn't figure out which two places it wanted me to sew together, and without a picture I was left clueless. So I tried one way that I thought would work and when that failed I pouted for a while. I was also watching "Good Luck Chuck" which didn't really help my mood. I don't know what it is about Dane Cook, but he doesn't pick the best movies to make. He is a riot when doing stand up, and actually a decent actor (Dan in Real Life) but with a "comedy" movie he flops. ANYWAY. While watching this movie I came up with another idea of how to make the elephant work and tried that. After that attempt failed I gave up. I was done. After having ripped the fabric apart three different times it wasn't looking too good. And I was out of ideas. I was going to call my friend Leah, but I was worried she might be having her baby and didn't want to bother her if that was the case. So if anyone has made this elephant toy and has a clue on what might help me that would be great. Until then, the elephant sits flat on the floor. So sad.

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