Thursday, October 20, 2011


My little boy is one. A whole year. 365 days since I brought him home. Which is crazy. I feel like just yesterday I was still pregnant and terrified of giving birth. And then I was eating Moose's Tooth and told it was time to go have a baby. And now he is a year old. He is napping right now, and I am frantically making cake pops, paw prints cutouts, onion dip, etc... for his party of Saturday. And, yes, I know he won't understand it's his birthday and that the party is really for me... but I'm excited. We've lasted a year. If I can make it through the first one, the rest are going to be a piece of cake... right?!?

First picture at home. I knitted his outfit and made that quilt. :)

Being crazy yesterday. I made that baby... 


Miss Julep said...

Awesome!! Here's to so many more birthdays and milestones together:)

Missy said...

Happy birthday, Sawyer! These are magical (if not manic) moments. Capture them to remember later, they go fast.