Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wedding Bonanza

So, W finally comes home today. He has been gone since Monday, which has been pretty tough. The dogs have been pretty ok with it... normally they are very pouty when he is not home. I have been walking them every day and playing with them, so I think they are pretty happy about that.  And they get to sleep in the bed all night, so it must be a good trade off.

It is really weird having W be gone for so long. I didn't realize how much I rely on him to keep conversations going.  I have gone to a few events with people that I don't see very often, and it was a bit awkward. He is a very good conversationalist, and apparently I am not. I guess I am just very accustomed to having him there to keep things going. Plus, it is weird to not have him around the house. I haven't been able to talk to him very much while he is gone either, which makes it hard. So needless to say, I am very excited that he will be home.

J leaves for Colorado in two weeks.  He got a job driving a ski bus or something. It sounds pretty awesome for him. I just wish I didn't have to decide between him living in my living room and living in a different state. He is going to be gone for 6 months, which is FOREVER. I'm pretty bummed about that.

Nothing else too exciting going on here in Casa de Bennett. I work today, which is weird... I never work on Sundays. So this will be interesting. Luckily, I have tomorrow off to recover. :P I have a few quilts that just need the binding, so maybe I will work on that tomorrow. One of them is a fall quilt, so I probably should get it done... I'm in love with it.... pictures soon.

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